Milestone 11

Our natural human tendency is to try to get by with what’s good enough. After all, “To err is human,” right? And so we tend to accept a certain level of waste, mistakes and errors in our personal lives. At this point, you should be striving for excellence. You’ve crossed the threshold into the Purpose Zone of living, now it’s time to become an A-Plus player.  A-Plus players have problems just as you and I, but they keep things in perspective. They target not just filling the minimal requirements in life, but doing their personal best by reaching for their uber-goals. We shouldn’t strive for perfection in our lives; we’ll just drive ourselves crazy. But we should challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be. In so doing, we’ll take ourselves to the ultimate level of quality living. ‘Supercharge Me!’ is an activity designed to help you become an A-Plus player.