Milestone 4

Ok. So you’ve figured out what matters most to you by prioritizing your life categories. In most cases, interpersonal relationships rank fairly high on the pyramid, so let’s start there. After all, we wouldn’t be where we are today without the help of others, so it’s obvious that they should be a high priority. Business managers put a lot of energy into developing and maintaining a customer service policy. Although it may seem cold and impersonal at first, try thinking of the key individuals in your life as customers. Think about it this way—you are quite regularly a customer yourself. You know the companies that do it right; they pay attention to your needs, listen to your complaints, etc. You also know the companies that do it wrong, by being impatient, rude or careless. Adopting a customer service attitude in your personal life will help you to treat your loved ones the way good companies treat their most prized customers. And in return, the customers will treat you well. Otherwise, not taking your customers’ needs and wants seriously will lead them to take their “business” elsewhere. The next step is to brainstorm a list of your customers. List everyone you come in contact with on a regular basis, including but not limited to:

  • God/Higher Spiritual Power
  • Self
  • Children
  • Roommate(s)
  • Boss
  • Coworkers
  • Relatives
  • Parents
  • Friends
  • Teachers

Like businesses, we have some customers who we know are more loyal than others. This milestone’s activity, Circles of Customers will help you to rank your customers based on their value to you.